We understand—spreadsheets are readily available as part of most standard office suites and are easily ‘customized’ to do specific tasks using formulas and macros. It can be very tempting to fall back on them as your default tool for literature reviews – especially...

Derek Lord
Webinar Recap: Stryker and IQVIA Share Their Journey Leveraging Data Reuse for Faster Insights, Time to Market and Healthcare Innovation
At a recent webinar with Sepanta Fazaeli, Clinical Systems & Medical Systems Lead at Stryker and Rajpal Singh, Associate Director at IQVIA, moderated by Mark Priatel, VP of Software Development at DistillerSR, we explored the benefits of centralizing literature...
EM’24 Medical Devices/IVD Industry Best Practices Session Recap
The Evidence Matters 2024 Medical Devices/IVD Best Practices session featured industry experts Rea Castro, Director of Medical Affairs at QuidelOrtho, Sepanta Fazaeli, Clinical Systems & Medical Lead at Stryker, and Christa Goode, Worldwide Scientific Operations...
2023 Evidence Matters MedTech Roundtable Recap: AI and Enterprise Evidence Management Driving Innovation
At the 2023 Evidence Matters MedTech Roundtable, Dr. Matthew M. Cooper, Vice-President, Medical Affairs, Corporate Health & Safety at 3M Health Care, Chris Manrodt, Head of Data Strategy - IGTD at Philips, Dr. Matthias Fink, Senior Clinical Consultant at AKRA Team...
Webinar Recap: Abbott Diagnostics and AKRA Team on More Confident IVD Regulatory Submissions (RAPS Western Canada Chapter event)
In a recent webinar, DistillerSR customer Dr. Victoria Samonte, Medical Director of Global Medical Operations at Abbott Diagnostics and Dr. Bassil Akra, CEO and Founder at the AKRA Team GmbH were joined by Michelle Zaharic, CEO at MLZ Biotech Consulting and IVD Lead...
Webinar Recap: ICON and Oracle Share Literature Surveillance Best Practices for Pharmacovigilance
In a recent webinar, DistillerSR customer Andrew Purchase, Director of Pharmacovigilance, UK QPPV, Site Head (Swansea, UK) at ICON was joined by Michael-Braun Boghos, Senior Director Safety Strategy at Oracle Life Science, and moderated by Peter O’Blenis, DistillerSR...
Webinar Recap: Adelphi Group and Excerpta Medica on Leveraging AI-Enabled Classifiers for Faster, More Efficient Systematic Literature Reviews
In a recent webinar, DistillerSR customers Rosie Morland, AI and Data Science Specialist at Excerpta Medica and Remon van den Broek, Head of AI Strategy and Data Science at Adelphi Group were joined by Mark Priatel, VP of Software Development at DistillerSR. They...
Systematic Reviews: Automating Your Workflows With DistillerSR
Collecting, evaluating and managing evidence is the most crucial part of research that drives policy and regulates medical technologies, and Systematic Reviews are the cornerstone of evidence-based research. A Systematic Review may contain tens of thousands of...
For the Record with Peter O’Blenis, CEO at DistillerSR
In a recent interview to Medical Alley, Peter O’Blenis, CEO at DistillerSR, discussed the company's innovation track record and the results of a recent market survey conducted with medical device and in-vitro diagnostics manufacturers, shedding light on how automation...
Webinar Recap: NuVasive and Geistlich Pharma Share Best Practices for EU MDR State of the Art Submissions While Achieving More Efficient Literature Reviews with DistillerSR
In a recent webinar, DistillerSR customers Monique Liston, Senior Medical Writer at NuVasive and Shelley Jambresic, Senior Clinical Evaluations Manager at Geistlich Pharma were joined by Dr. Bassil Akra, founder and CEO of Akra Team GmbH, Dr. Julien Senac, Global...